The Day after

Dan Serban
1 min readJan 7, 2021

So who were the hooligans who attacked the Capitol? Dissatisfied Trump supporters, Antifa idiots, Soros’ mercenaries?

I think a mixture of all three.

It is interesting to see, that no many in the press, talk about the Capitol Police shooting a woman. Maybe, because she was white? Maybe because she was an AF Veteran and not a drug-induced violent black male?

Who’s fault is it? Trump’s, who called on his supporters, or the Democrats who for four years tried to undermine his Presidency, with invented Russian ghosts? Probably both plus the press, which became the lying voice of the liberals, anarchists, and all trouble makers, as long as they are against Trump.

Of course, Trump is to blame too. A narcissist who thought he was above all. A sore loser who cannot accept rejection. In a way, a creation of Dems to take control of the country. And now, they did.

Good luck America!

